Rotary International President visits Egypt to review development projects of Rotary Egypt
Written by :Hend Adel

Rotary Egypt, led by District Governor Sherif Adeeb, will host Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick , who will be visiting Egypt from January 23-26, to meet Rotarians of D 2451 and review the service and development projects implemented by Rotary clubs in Egypt, as being one of the largest and oldest civil society organizations in Egypt and the world.
President Stephanie’s visit to Egypt comes at the end of a tour that includes 5 African countries: Uganda, Kenya, Senegal, Tunisia and Egypt. She is accompanied by leaders from the Rotary International Board of Directors, including Mr. Emmanuel Katongole from Uganda and Mr. Tom Gump and his wife Catherine from the United States of America.
The Rotary International President’s visit is expected to last for 3 days, during which she will visit a some touristic sites and cultural landmarks, review major development projects, and meet some officials to strengthen the existing partnership & Cooperation between the State and Rotary Egypt.
The Rotary International President will be received by the Governor of Rotary District 2451 Egypt, Sherif Adeeb and his wife, and past District Governor Mayan Raslan, the Chair of organizing Committee of the tour in the five African countries. All Past and incoming Governors will be at the welcoming events to the President .
The Rotary International President will hold an extensive meeting with all Rotarians at one of the major hotels in Cairo to discuss the latest projects carried out by Rotary clubs in Egypt recently.
It is known that Rotary is one of the largest and oldest service organizations in the world, with approx 35,000 clubs containing about 1.4 million members in approximately 200 countries
The first Rotary club was established in Egypt in 1929. The number of Rotary clubs in Egypt are currently 134 clubs in various Egyptian governorates, all of which provide their development services in various development and service areas , within the framework of the goals of the state’s 2030 strategy.
The value of the development projects carried out by Rotary Egypt during the last ten years has reached more than two hundred million pounds in all development sectors such as illiteracy, village reconstruction, water supply to homes in poor areas and villages, economic development, small projects, medical convoys, providing treatment and open heart surgeries for children, eye surgeries, treating various diseases, women’s and mothers’ health care,Scholarships , training and developing youth skills, eradicating polio, and vaccinating girls against cervical cancer.
Rotary in Egypt includes among its members the leaders , decision makers of the society from businessmen, community leaders, officials, and public figures.
Rotary in Egypt has multiple Co- relationships and partnerships with investment multi national and local companies, banks, international organizations, major civil society organizations and Giant NGOs , and several Egyptian government agencies.